National competition - 2004

Brik Polaris
Josip Rumora

9th national competition – 5th Croatian evaluation exhibition of model ships «Rijeka 2004» was organised under the sponsorship of President of Republic Croatia, Primorsko-Goranska county and City of Rijeka from 10th till 20th may 2004 in Multimedia Center on Školjić. On exhebition participated 35 ship modelers of whom 5 were juniors with 64 exhibits. Gold medal was won by Josip Rumora (Brik Polaris). Silver medals was won by Goran Jukić (Sicilijanski Leut), Željko Fredotović (Škuner Halifa), Branimir Šoić (Škuner Angelo Custode), and also one junior Nikola Budimir (School ship of belgian navy "Mercator"). Bronce medal was won by Željko Fredotović (Falkuša) i Branimir Šoić (Bracera). Accompanying exhibition program consisted of: contests for the visitors, the exhibition of children's works, art workshop, children's workshops, courses for the boat, and other content. The exhibition was visited by a total of 2043 visitors. Of these, there were 699 visitors of the kindergarten, primary and secondary schools.

Evaluation list: 
Audience award: 